HaemiEubsong Festival > REVIEW

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HaemiEubsong Festival

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Writer LeoniePuchinger Hit 3,800 Hits Date 19-10-16 17:04



I participated in the Seosan HaemiEupsong Festival. 

The day started at 7 am at the Sports Complex where we took the bus to Seosan. 

When we arrived in Seosan FundayKorea provided is with a yummy traditional Korean lunch. 

Afterwards we went to the festival where we were supposed to wear the traditional Korean cloth either the ones for the writing government exam or the martial arts exam. 

After that we joined the military parade and walked over the festival. 

I thought that after the parade we would divide in two groups the ones that take the writing exam and the ones who would Lear the martial arts (sword fighting or archery), like it was said on the application and the fotos provided by FundayKorea but we didn't really learn how to practice the martial arts instead they brought us two an arena in front of all the festival visitors and we had to follow a guy who showed us a few different movements that we were supposed to do for about ten minutes. It was all a bit confusing since we thought they would actually teach us  martial arts instead of us performing in front of an audience something we never ever practiced before. After that suffering ended we could either directly change our cloth and enjoy the festival or do the stone fighting. I changed with my friend and enjoyed the rest of the festival which was actually really nice. After all we could practice some archery (3.000 won for 10 shots) and enjoy some traditional Korean food like rice cakes, red bean paste bings and some hoeddeok. After the festival we went to the Ganwol heritage a little temple that was really beautiful. Unfortunately we couldn't stay till sunset but nevertheless it was quite nice. Afterward FundayKorea treated us with a buffet for dinner and we went back to Seoul. 

Even though it was sometimes a bit chaotic and different than i expected it was a nice day and definitely an experience.




#Seosan #Haemieupsongfestival #Fundaykoreannetworks 

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