Unforgettable Seodaemun prison tour > REVIEW

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Unforgettable Seodaemun prison tour

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Writer Alina Hit 3,737 Hits Date 19-09-30 16:54



3542389099_1569829895.6809.jpgLast Thursday we were given an opportunity to explore Seodaemun market and then dive right into the history of Korea, especially its saddest part: March 1st Independence Movement 

We started off with a really fun mission to find a place with Korean twisted donuts (called gwabaegi) and then each of us got one as a reward :) those were delicious! Crunchy but not very oily, with a perfect texture and great taste. Later we found out Seodaemun market was famous for these donuts, and we understand why!



After that we were given all the ingredients to cook our own super tasty ddeokbokki and kimbap! Friendly ladies were guiding us and helping with everything, so in the end all the food went out perfect and we had a nice dinner in the open-air :)


After the dinner we got brochures with the history of Seodaemun prison and Independence gate. We were told to get ready for the fun quiz so we took it really seriously and tried to learn everything lol but the info in the book was very nicely organized, easy and interesting to read. After the quiz (which we won of course haha) it was time for the prison tour. We definitely were not expecting actors dressed in clothes of those times to rush out and start the re-enactment right in the middle of the tour! It was a very fresh  experience and I really loved it. We hid from prison officers, wrote letters to the prisoners and shouted together with those who was fighting for Korean independence in the 20th century. It felt super real, was very exciting and at the same time very sad. I think it got me into Korean history more



We also listened to a concert where they performed the most famous songs representing that period , and also made  beautiful paper flowers to pay respect to the victims of those times. 

Thanks Funday for organizing such a great tour, it was fun but at the same time very meaningful. I highly recommend everyone to try out this program ^^

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