Touch the past ❤️ Global Hanyang Doseong (Seoul City Wall) > REVIEW

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Touch the past ❤️ Global Hanyang Doseong (Seoul City Wall)

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Writer VictoriaKukanova Hit 3,186 Hits Date 19-09-24 12:14



Now the capital of Korea is Seoul, but earlier  Hanyang  city was the capital of Korea. Hanyang  was much smaller than Seoul, and a fortress wall was built along the border, along the route of which now you can get a group tour with FUNDAY, or even walk by yourself.


We went the easier way and climbed not so high, but there is a straight road for climbing the mountain from there you can even look at the Blue House (yes, the one where the president is), but there are some place where you can't to take any photos, keep it in mind and don't scared 


I went on a tour with Funday Korea Networks so all I had to do was get snacks, water and a map, enjoy the scenery and take photos as much as I wanted  For lunch we were fed Korean food and also as a present we made traditional key chains with pendant 


I recommend everyone to visit the siteof Funday and watch events and register  all that is required of you is to have fun and tell on your social network about your expirience


P. S. Here I met sooo many cool girls, so we spend time even more interesting 

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