Reviving moments of the Independence Movement > REVIEW

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Reviving moments of the Independence Movement

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Writer ALAN VLADIMIR Hit 3,683 Hits Date 19-07-18 02:00



Near Seodaemun Prision, the place were several of the people who gave their lives for freeing Korea from the Japanese regime spent their last days, is the Yeongcheon Traditional Market... we started our trip there, as we needed some energy before taking the Seodaemun tour. The market has a broad variety of items, regardless the small size (compared to other local markets). Nevertheless, we were privileged in receiving instructions (and we were tutored by experienced and enthusiastic local "ajumonis") on how to prepare two traditional meals in Korea: gimbap and tteokbokki.

After the meals we had a little of free time to take some photos in the surroundings before going into the prison for a quick tour to most of their areas open to public... a free time to travel the museum.

The best came after that... a mini-concert with the cheerful "Manju Pocket" trio and their deep and funny music performance, they were singing specially for us with selected songs for the theme of the day, like "Arirang" or "Don´t forget me".

And the very best was reserved for the end: a guided tour through the prison with performances reenacting some of the events that happened during the start of the Independence Movement... a performance that i'm sure touched the heart of all of us who were also interacting with the actors and sharing a little the pain that people suffered during 1919 and the years that followed.

I can clearly say that this is the best tour i've attended to in Seoul, as it had a little of everything covered in only few hours. I wish this tour could be running all year long (or at least the acting performance in the prison, as i'm convinced that this will not only impress to tourist but will leave them with a clearer idea of what happened 100 years ago and will surely feel a closer relationship with Korean people and culture.

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